Abolish Abortion Wisconsin is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to furthering abortion abolitionism in the state of Wisconsin. We aim to spread the ideas of abolitionism to churches across the state and engage with state lawmakers to promote abolitionist legislation. Our ultimate goal is to glorify God with the total and immediate abolition of abortion without exception or compromise. We hold to the principles expressed in the Norman Statement.
We view abortion as the sin of murder and child sacrifice, as we believe is affirmed by the Word of God, science, and philosophical reasoning. If abortion is murder, then God commands us to treat it as such. We call for equal protection and equal justice for our preborn neighbors, the least of the least of these. As a nation that murders our children, we rightly deserve God's wrath and judgment upon our land. However, there is forgiveness for the sin of abortion through Jesus Christ alone. We call upon the state and nation to repent and seek God's grace.
As members of the ongoing Abolitionist Movement, we are NOT the Pro-Life Movement. We differ from them in principles, tactics, and goals. As it stands, the Pro-Life Movement actively opposes the abolition of abortion across the nation.
We firmly hold to the belief that the abolitionist movement should be a church-driven, grassroots movement. Because of this, we have no intention of being an organization comprised of state-wide chapters governed by a central leadership. We encourage abolitionists across the state to start your own local abolitionist groups, and we invite you to contact us so we can work together, support you, and provide you with resources.​
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
- Micah 6:8