We are Abolish Abortion Wisconsin.
As abortion abolitionists, we stand on the firm foundation of God's Word and strive for the total and immediate abolition of abortion without exception or compromise.
The pro-life establishment has been woefully inadequate in fighting against abortion. They have become plagued with compromise, apathy, and injustice and now do more to keep abortion legal than even the pro-choice establishment.
God has commanded us to protect and bring justice to His preborn image bearers; yet, we have become a culture that murders our children. Even after the overturning of Roe, the sin of child sacrifice is legally protected in every state.
Yet, despite all of this, there is forgiveness for the support of, apathy towards, and act of abortion, and it can be found through Jesus Christ alone. We call upon the body of Christ and invite you to repent with us and glorify God in joining the fight to abolish abortion.
. . . cease to do evil,
learn to do good;
seek justice,
correct oppression;
bring justice
to the fatherless,
plead the widow's cause.
- Isaiah 1:17